
This Instruction has been created for our users and should help to save the time of preparation and uploading models into database.

Look at the Example of proper Preview:


Preview size should be minimum 1200px. The Preview form should be squared

1. Uninformative View

2. The small Model Size relative to the total area of the Preview

3. Missing Materials

4. The Model offset from Center of the Preview

5. Exotic View

6. Model merges with the Background (better to keep white, black, or grey – depends of model color)

7. Patterned Background

8. Overexposure

9. Underexposure

10. Extra Objects on Preview

11. Preview Disproportion

12. Keep approximately 5% of empty space on Preview

13. This is how the proper File Scene looks

14. This is how improper File Scene looks (helpers, cameras, lights and other extra objects, except model)

If your MAX Version higher than 2009 be sure, that Export Files FBX or OBJ is included in the Archive.

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